IV Therapy

Repair, Rehydrate & Renew

MCC Wellness Group offers a variety of IV drips to help you start feeling better fast.


Energy Boost

Are you tired all the time? Constantly feeling rundown? Improve your energy level, mood, concentration, and memory with this infusion.



If you love your pre-workout regime, you will love this IV! This is the perfect solution to speed up post-workout recovery and boost athletic performance. Don’t skip leg day, skip feeling sore with this recovery boost.


Not feeling at your peak? Low sex drive? Our L-Argenine formula is sure to increase libido, stamina, sensation, and sex drive, all while improving your mood and boosting immunity.

Weight Loss

This formula makes weight loss easy! Our weight loss IV will optimize your metabolism, burn fat, and increase energy to help give you that little extra help in attaining your weight loss goals.



Feeling a little foggy? Can't recall things like you used to? Walking into a room and can’t remember why (Yep! It happens all the time)! Well, we have just the thing to wipe off the cobwebs up there. Our Focus infusion gets rid of the fogginess, reestablishes brain function, and returns clarity of thought.

Immune Boost

Everyone's immune system needs to be working at its peak performance, now more than ever. This specific formula will supercharge your immune system and bring it up to speed.


Hangover Cure

Headache, tired, nauseous, queasy, dehydrated? Alcohol can do this to you. Need help with your hangover? Look no further. This powerful treatment will take it all away.

Beauty Guru

Beauty starts from within! Our beauty bag will help get your skin glowing from within. This formula will help improve your skin, hair, and nail health. Look and feel your best!

Antioxidant (Glutathione)

Glutathione, also known as the master antioxidant, is full of benefits! This powerful antioxidant protects your body from damage caused by free radicals and cleanses your body of toxins, boost collagen and elastin levels, slowing the natural aging process, as well as boosting immunity.



Originally developed by Dr. John Myers, the “Myers Cocktail' is a tried-and-true formula that will help with your general health and wellbeing.


Feel Better Fast; Get A Drip Today!